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Note: When possible, The Sludge Report will link you to articles within the media that are relevant to Septic System News.  However, as these articles age, we cannot be responsible for the third party links that provide you access.  Thanks for your understanding.


04/28/2015 - Amid standoff with Senate, House quits session three days early! Interesting development this afternoon. The impasse over Medicaid expansion prompted this move, but please go ahead with your e-mails and phone calls. The Senators are still there, but they representatives may be at their local offices temporarily. They will be back in Tallahassee soon. They have to pass a budget – it’s the law. (Read More......)


04/27/2015 - You have today 4/28, and tomorrow 4/29 only to make calls to legislators. We have been waiting for more than five years for the Nitrogen Study to be completed. This is the study that was supposed to give us affordable, nitrogen reducing alternatives for conventional septic systems. It looks like there is a good possibility the study will not be completed. Ready to walk away from 4.7 million dollars of taxpayer money already spent??? Ready for DOH rule-making to start without an alternative to those expensive, complex systems we – and your legislators – objected to back in 2008??? PLEASE GET BUSY ON THE PHONES! Forward to your friends. (Read More......)


02/06/2015 - In this issue, important meeting dates for your information. Pre-session committee meetings are in full swing. Water Policy and Amendment 1 spending is on every legislative committee calendar. Deadline for final bills is March 3, so action now is imperative. Important organizations have weighed in on what responsible spending looks like, and action now will determine if those bills will bring responsible spending to a vote. Homeowners are not the only ones who think science is important. Without it wasteful spending is likely, and without it, property rights and economic stability is in jeopardy. Support the effort in the newsletter section – “HERE’S WHAT YOU CAN DO.” (Read More......)

Happy New Year!

01/09/2015 - After a post-election “break” in publishing, we are hitting the ground running. This is our sixth year of advocacy on behalf of our homeowners – that’s YOU. And, you have been magnificent in your active engagement with your legislators, your neighbors, and the issues. This Sludge Report contains lots of recent news, Amendment One information, and several links to sites you should explore so you can be fully informed prior to Florida’s 2015 Session, which begins March 1, 2015. (Read More......)


11/03/2014 - Amendment 1 is turning out to be a $20 billion dollar slush fund for special interests, counties, and bureaucrats to spend, and spend and spend. And, just like in Washington D.C., there will be debt, much spending, no accountability for results or intended purpose, and paid for with taxpayer dollars. VOTE NO ON AMENDMENT 1. Below is an example of how that works. Before you read the rest of this, remember what The Sludge Report has always advocated – (1) sound science, (2) affordable solutions, a (3) measurable return on investment. Common sense dictates these three points should be satisfied any time taxpayer money is spent. It’s called accountability! (Read More......)


10/26/2014 - Many are asking me, “How does Amendment 1 relate to septic systems. This issue provides a quick answer. But as the weeks have unfolded prior to the election, many more organizations have jumped into the picture opposing Amendment 1. Several links are provided so you can see that No on Amendment 1 is the only way to stop what amounts to a state budget grab and a land grab. There is more going on than meets the eye and surprising real estate purchases are already surfacing that makes us question what’s really going on behind the scenes if Amendment 1 passes. (Read all the way to the end!!!)


10/19/2014 - Early voting begins tomorrow morning. Your editor has made some decisions and for what it worth, here the ones I want to share with you..

Orange County – Question C - NO
U.S. Rep. Dist. 7 – John Mica
Governor – Rick Scott
Attorney General – Pam Bondi
Chief Financial Officer – Jeff Atwater
Commissioner of Agriculture – Adam Putnam
Clerk of Courts – Eddie Fernandez
Orange County Commissioner – Brian Nelson
Water Conservation Dist. 2 – Timothy D. Blevins
Soil & Water Conservation Dist. 4 – Brian Fenn
Constitutional Amendment No. 1 – NO
Constitutional Amendment No. 2 – NO
Constitutional Amendment No. 3 – YES
Orange County Charter Question A – YES
Orange County Charter Question B – YES

Save the Date!

08/27/2014 - Coalition for Property Rights will host an issues forum with Agriculture Commissioner, Adam Putnam. Perfect opportunity for anyone in nursery, farming or agriculture to bring your questions about Amendment 1, regulations governing fertilizers, land use, etc. Also in this issue, CPR has sent a link to a very worrisome news alert. EPA apparently is mapping water resources with an eye to controlling it all! Click Here for the Fox News Link  Read More About the CPR Forum Here.....

Letters From Our Readers

08/01/2014 - Letters from our readers are being sent to the Orlando Sentinel and the The Sludge Report.  We have been granted permission to share one with you.  What is amazing is many are coming from highly credentialed industry professionals. Posted today from one of our readers is a detailed calculation of spring flows and recharge flows. It’s not light reading, but worth reading. Hopefully, it will stimulate some conversation among bureaucrats and elected officials about doing what really matters to our springs. Read More.....

Sewers or Septic Systems

07/31/2014 - The following quotes are excerpts from the article that appeared in the Orlando Sentinel on 7/31/14. Thank you to Kevin Spears from the Sentinel for soliciting my input for this article. Time and space limitations of any article do not always permit all pertinent information to be presented, so I have taken the liberty of providing additional information that hopefully will give all interested parties a more thorough understanding of the facts I have gleaned over the past six years. Ultimately, the residents of the area targeted for sewers must decide for themselves what is best for them, but no decision is ever made well without a comprehensive understanding of the facts. Read More.....
Important Meeting! 07/23/2014 - Attention Wekiva Area homeowners who live in Sweetwater West, the Palms and the Wekiva Highlands area. Orange County, Orange County Utilities, and the Saint Johns Water Management District have teamed up financially and plan to convert your septic systems to Orange County sewer system. A community meeting is scheduled to accept public input and you are URGED to attend. The project is planned, but funding is not yet approved. Make time to be there! Meeting is July 30, 2014, 6:00 p.m. at the Orange County Public Library- North Orange Branch, 1211 E. Semoran Blvd. (Corner of 436 and Thompson Rd.)
SB 1576 UPDATE 05/05/2014 - Sine die! Legislative Session is over and SB 1576 did not pass. Thanks to all of you for your important e-mails and phone calls - and a special thanks to Coalition for Property Rights for being in Tallahassee week after week to make sure all the legislators heard the facts about what this bill would do to our property rights – not to mention what it would do to our state’s finances. Read More.....
A HOWITZER AIMED AT A GNAT 04/28/2014 - SB 1576 aims to protect the springs by mandating huge solutions and big spending on septic systems, the smallest potential contributor of nitrogen. What’s behind this laser like focus on septic systems? Our editorial may shed some light. Also Coalition for Property Rights has published its analysis of SB 1576 and the issues at stake for property owners. It follows the Editorial comments.. Contacting your legislators is still needed. The editorial page provides you with a quick and easy way to e-mail Senators and Representatives. Do it tonight or tomorrow. Don’t wait, or it’s too late. Read More.....


04/23/2014 - See the CPR newsletter for details about what’s in and what’s out. It was a challenge to keep up with all the last minute amendments. Companion bill in the House, HB 1313 has still not been heard in a committee. Sen. Simmons introduced an amendment to SB 1576 that addressed two major concerns of ours – but, open-ended rule-making authority spread across several agencies continues to be a major concern, as does the lack of adequate science regarding our systems. CPR continues its efforts to council and educate legislators so they thoroughly understand how the bill’s language will impact the property rights of septic system owners. Also, open the link to the article summarized from a Tallahassee news feed……unfunded mandates are a huge concern, as they should be. We will keep you posted as information is available and your input is needed. Let us know if you have and questions or concerns. Read More.....


04/21/2014 - This message was just received from the Coalition for Property Rights. A very sweeping amendment to SB 1576 was filed this morning. A thorough review of the amendment language is underway, but the initial review indicates that much of what we have been advocating for is included in this amendment. Some tweaking still needs to be done, especially in the area of requiring that rule-making rely on adequate science. There are also concerns that the real costs to the state and the taxpayers have not been sufficiently vetted. Obviously, things get a little crazy at the end of session. Thanks to all of you for responding with your e-mails the past few weeks – we are sure this effort is responsible for the positive changes in the new amendment. We will keep you informed and let you know tonight if any further action is needed. Read More.....

ACTION ALERT 04/20/2014 - We are down to the wire, folks. Senate Bill 1576 suddenly appeared on the Senate Appropriations Committee agenda for Tuesday, April 22. Once again, your message needs to be heard. Fire up your computers first thing Monday morning and ask in a firm voice that each Senator on this important committee vote no when the bill comes up for a vote on Tuesday. E-mail addresses and a sample message are provided. Read More......


04/09/2014 - As promised, this is a Coalition for Property Rights (CPR) update on SB 1576, Springs Protection Act that is moving through the Senate Committees. The bill passed through the Senate Agriculture Committee and now sits with the Senate Appropriations Committee. CPR has been advocating on our behalf as this onerous bill moves through the committee process. Read more. A Status Update from CPR - Click Here......


03/18/2014 - We have just received an important message about a bill we have been following. The bill was passed by the Environmental Committee. Please read carefully what SB 1576 does. Then e-mail the committee members in the next committee, the Agricultural Committee, and let them know this bill is not acceptable in its current form. Ask these Senate Committee members to vote NO on SB 1576. We will keep you informed as this bill moves from committee to committee. We need your help to stop it. You Must Read this important message from CPR - Click Here......


03/18/2014 - SB 1576 goes before the Senate Committee on Environmental Protection and Conservation Thursday, March 20, at 8 AM. Please read the newsletter from the Coalition for Property Rights. Your communication to key committee members before this meeting is needed to assure this bill is voted down. If passed, SB 1576 continues the erosion of the rights of all property owners. Even more damaging, it establishes new governmental agencies with rule making authority that have no citizen oversight. Read more......


03/07/2014 - Webster’s definition of harassment includes words like torment, pester, persecute, and “to trouble by repeated attacks.” This latest Earth Justice lawsuit is simply a exercise in harassment that diverts taxpayer money and FDEP’s human resources from accomplishing the very things these groups are suing about. Seriously folks, this perpetual lawsuit mentality is getting very tedious, and is an insult to all those state, county and municipal representatives and homeowners with septic systems who have been earnestly participating in the nutrient reduction efforts of FDEP’s TMDL/BMAP process. Read more......


03/06/2014 - The TMDL/BMAP process and pending legislation will impact septic system owners. Septic Systems are being targeted again. The problem is that  unscientific and faulty data provided to the BMAP committee by our own DOH Bureau of On-Site Sewage is driving the change process. Homeowners have no representation on the BMAP committees, as we are not considered stakeholders! Counties, municipalities, and environmental groups do have a seat at the table. Since you will be on the receiving end of the decisions and mandates, make sure you understand the issues and make your voice is heard. Try to attend. Read more......


02/16/2014 - One of our faithful readers sent this article. After years of relentless and unjustified attacks on our septic systems, blaming us for significant nitrogen and bacterial pollution, an article appears that actually applies some common sense to the issue. Speaking of common sense, a new bill is on the horizon that gives all credit for common sense to unelected bureaucrats, and gives them permission to use it to make new rules for our systems - without financial accountability, without any citizen or legislative oversight, and especially without any requirement for scientific justification. Read more...... Read more......


11/26/2013 - Fact, science, and simple solutions. Coalition for Property Rights’ latest newsletter says “environmental fraud” has been committed by the very agency in charge of fact, science, and simple solutions for septic systems. CPR sheds some serious light on why this battle has gone on for more than six years and one of the simple solutions that has been withheld - and by whom. Read more......


09/25/2013 - Here is even more information on the status of the Earth Justice lawsuits. There is no end to their demands. They will not be satisfied with anything less than total federal control of our state, even though the EPA has already reviewed the state plan to address nutrients and found it satisfactory. It’s difficult to understand what the real intent is of these environmental groups. This editor reviewed much of the research, pages of reviews of the research, and quite frankly, I am confounded as to the nature of their continuing challenge. At this point, Earth Justice sincerely resembles the Shakespearian definition of a tempest in a tea pot. Read more......


09/16/2013 - An article by a contributing editor follows up on the idea that maybe sustainable cities are not so sustainable after all. Also, in our 2/12/2013 Sludge Report, you were introduced to the Coalition for Property Rights. Here is their latest member communication on water wars and eminent domain. Read more......


09/12/2013 - The latest is a lawsuit filed by the very vocal environmental groups to overturn the FDEP Wekiva Basin Management Action Plan. They have had a seat and a voice at these round table meetings for more than six years…plenty of time to have their concerns addressed. What’s the beef this time that they need to spend more state taxpayer money on legal battles to force their agenda? Read more......

READ THIS! Environmental doublespeak at its best!

08/24/2013 - This is the kind of article that makes one’s blood boil. Read more......


03/07/2013 - Did you think your septic system battle was over? Here is a quick update on the most recent outrageous activities. Read more......


2/12/2013 - Tri-County’s Board of Directors and its membership have voted to formally dissolve the homeowner advocacy organization and have approved a resolution to join forces with Coalition for Property Rights (CPR) Read more......


10/22/2012 - The upcoming election will have a REAL impact on schools, businesses and home owners. Your septic system is only one of the EPA targets. Your vote matters.  Vote for your survival." read more......


04/21/2012 - Here is a legislative update on HB 5003, HB1263 NS SB1312/HB7055." read more......


04/09/2012 - The budget is on the Governor’s desk. The funding for the final phase of the Nitrogen Reduction Strategies Study is in the Budget! We need his approval of Line Item 512, and Section 5 of HB 5003." Click Here for the Details......


03/21/2012 - Legislature repeals SB550 state wide inspections and passes new inspection program – legislative wrap up and noteworthy champions. Rubio sponsors new legislation on EPA, and an update on EPA’s Numeric Nutrient Criteria (NNC). National Research Council says EPA grossly underestimates cost of NNC. News notes from the mile-high desk pile. Important highlights from the inspection program homeowners must know!! Coalition for Property Rights Spring Luncheon with Speaker-elect Will Weatherford. Bear with us, it been a wild couple of weeks!" read more......


01/28/2012 - CS/SB 820 on Health Regulation Committee Agenda for 1/31/12! HB 999 moving through committees. House Budget Committee has the Bureau of On-Site Sewage in its crosshairs. EPA Numeric Nutrient Status Report.” read more......


01/28/2012 - CS/SB 820 on Health Regulation Committee Agenda for 1/31/12! HB 999 moving through committees. House Budget Committee has the Bureau of On-Site Sewage in its crosshairs. EPA Numeric Nutrient Status Report.” read more......


01/10/2012 - 7 Yea, 0 Nay and SB 820 passes the septic system inspection bill on to the next step toward passage. Coalition for Property Rights partners with TRI-County Association H.E.L.P. to advocate for inspection bill. PBTS in the Keys a dismal treatment “performance.” read more......


01/07/2012 - Senate and House Bills that repeal SB550 state-wide mandated inspections are moving into committees. Finally, we have some common sense inspection legislation we can live with. See the details of those bills and what you can do today to help get this issue resolved! read more......

Not Guilty!

09/12/2011 - 13 years later- research report shows converting water’s-edge, Suwanee River septic systems to sewers did not produce the promised results – nutrient levels unchanged! New bills filed to repeal SB550 inspections. EPA’s Costs in human terms – in the news. TRI-County welcomes new Advisory Board members. Editor’s corner – the role of un-elected government employees. read more......

A Status Report for August

08/20/2011 - In this issue, we have covered all the bases - the status of the Wekiva Study Area and what’s to come of the inspections from Senate Bill 550. The battle over the EPA’s Numeric Nutrient Criteria heats up – here’s our review of an important Congressional Hearing chaired by Florida’s own Rep. Cliff Stearns; and TRI-County giving you a voice as the National Research Council reviews EPA’s cost estimates. Open all the “click here’s”, there is lots to know. read more......

EPA/NNC Under Scrutiny, Dead Fish and More!

06/29/2011 - Florida Dept. of Agriculture testifies before Congress. Testimony gives one of the most concise and thorough explanations of what is going on between our state, the EPA, and the conflict resolution efforts underway regarding the Numeric Nutrient Criteria EPA is poised to impose on our state. Why are we tracking these events? Septic systems are specifically named as targets for nutrient reduction in EPA announcements, literature,and hearings. Orlando meeting date for the National Academy of Sciences who will review economic impact of Numeric Nutrient Criteria on Florida. TRI-County Association will attend. Breach spews sewage into wetlands near UWF. 2.2M gallons of raw sewage spill into wetlands read more......

You Did It Again!

06/09/2011 - Thanks to all the Sludge Report readers for their e-mails and letters to Governor Scott.   Phase III funding is approved!  SB550 inspections are delayed until the DOH plan is reviewed by the Legislative Budget Committee!  New Central Florida homeowner group, TRI-County Association H.E.L.P., Inc.  launches their website, and membership drive is underway.  No rest for the weary, L Legislative Committee Meetings start in August 2011, and the Legislature convenes in January, 2012. Water Forum 2011 report.  Check out Calendar for other important meetings coming up.    read more......

Your Emails and Letters are Needed

05/18/2011 - Within 30 days of the end of Florida’s legislative session, the Governor must sign or veto the budget and laws considered and passed by the House and Senate. Governor Scott also has line item veto authority, which means he can veto any single line item or portion of the budget provisions. There are two items of extreme importance to all septic owners. If you have not already contacted the Governor’s office asking for his support of these two items, please do so as soon as possible. We have provided a sample message, but your own words are acceptable. PLEASE DO THIS TODAY and pass along to your e-mail circles. THANK YOU! read more......


05/09/2011 - Tallahassee emptied out on Saturday after a one day extension of the official end of session. The news has been filtering in all weekend. What’s the score? Did we get repeal of SB550 inspections? Was it repeal and replace with another inspection program? Was it delay? What happened with the Phase III Nitrogen Reduction Study funding? What else passed you need to know about? There is a new head of the Dept. of Health. A heads-up for you to keep you safe from some scamming going on. read more......


04/24/2011 - Simple facts should remind everyone why the SB550 inspection provisions and the rule-making authority of the Department of Health MUST BE repealed – and why it needs to stay repealed. New amendment ready for Senator Dean’s SB550 repeal and replace bill. Contact information for you to let your voice be heard on this new Amendment that is in the works, waiting for adoption. Citizens actually participated! Do not delay in contacting your Senator. More news… EPA challenged by Congress and Gov. Scott to produce credible documentation for imposing numeric nutrient criteria on Florida. read more......

A Reason to Reset Your Thinking About Sewers

04/04/2011 - News you did not get – until now.  It’s about failing systems, only this time it wasn’t septic systems that failed.  Add “exfiltration” and “infiltration to your vocabulary – here’s an editorial that may change your perspective. read more......

SB1698 Moves through Senate Committees

04/04/2011 - Update on septic system inspection legislation moving though committees. Do your homework, connect with your legislator and track the progress of these bills. read more......

New Organization Formed To Represent Orange, Lake and Seminole Counties

03/08/2011 - TRI-County Association H.E.L.P. is up and running and ready to represent the citizens of Lake, Orange and Seminole County.  Stated mission – impact legislation and rule-making governing septic systems.  Phase II of the FDOH Nitrogen Reduction Strategy is underway and Hazen & Sawyer wants to install  new septic systems in Wekiva Study Area yards – free.  Contact Hazen & Sawyer for information.  More news from around the state and from Tallahassee, and an editorial about “low hanging fruit.” read more......

More Info: Select Committee on Water Resources Begins Its Work

01/23/2011 - Select Committee on Water Resources begins its work. Why it’s needed. Complete list of Representatives on the Committee. Important dates in the Calendar for this committee and for Senator Charles Dean’s Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee. More lawsuits filed against EPA Numeric Nutrient Criteria Rules. read more......

Tallahassee Updates Since The Elections

01/10/2011 - In this issue we are covering a mountain of news items.  Much has happened since the Special Session in November.  The newly elected Governor Scott and the Legislature have wasted no time bringing new people and a new focus to the table.  Things are moving swiftly, and it will be a challenge to make sure you are aware of all that is going on, so you can be effective in your efforts to reach out to your legislators and have a voice in the decisions that affect you.  As always, we ask that you pass information to your friends and acquaintances, and ask them to do the same. read more......

State of Florida files lawsuit against EPA

12/11/2010 - State of Florida files lawsuit against EPA. This is a welcome move, as the proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria will bring devastation to Florida’s economy. New “Select Committee on Water Resources” formed by House Speaker Rep. Dean Cannon. Congratulations to Rep. Trudi Williams on her appointment to chair this important new committee. read more......

Tallahassee Update

11/18/2010 - In a special session, our legislators voted to delay inspections. HB 1565, probably the most important legislation to protect us from unwarranted rule making, is now in place. Please thank your legislators for their actions. read more......

Great News!

11/12/2010 - There are three key items that can benefit from your email to legislators -- Please check this out. We can have a huge impact in the up coming Special Legislative Session. read more......

Special Legislative Session

11/04/2010 - Special Legislative Session on Nov. 16, may bring a delay in the Septic System Inspection Program. read more......

Legislators and Candidates Take Note

10/29/2010.- It’s in the DOH rule!!! The tests mandated in the inspection rule are essentially a “RECALL” of existing, permitted septic systems. Total cost to residents in 2011, $30 Million Dollars. Low Income Grant to pay for inspection costs and system replacement not available until 2012, but the income guidelines are posted here. See if you are eligible. Also in this issue: Five more Florida Counties pass resolutions protesting septic inspection costs and the economic burden on Florida citizens. Check the Calendar Section for important meetings coming up. THE MOST IMPORTANT DATE: NOVEMBER 2 – ELECTION DAY. Support those candidates who support you! Click here to see their statements. North Florida resident published in the Opinion column of the Santa Rosa Press Gazette. It’s a great read! Thanks, Sharon. More new letters from our readers are published. . read more......

Community Response is Unified In Their Opposition to SB550

10/22/2010.- Resolution to amend or repeal the septic system inspection provisions of SB550 passes the Orange County Board of Commissioners. Over one hundred residents protest at the Dept. of Health public meeting in DeFuniak Springs. Florida On-Site Wastewater Association representing septic contractors calls for amending SB550. read more......

Protests Over SB550 Septic Inspections Widens

10/5/2010.- Santa Rosa Press: Guest Viewpoint Highlights Problems with SB550 Inspection Mandates And the Dept. of Health Rules that Govern Inspections. Click Link to Read:

Resolutions Against SB550

11/12/2010.- We have placed all of the various county and city resolutions that have come to The Sludge Report in one place for your convenience. resolutions....

Thumbs Up on Septic System Inspections - Thumbs Down on Dept. of Health Rules Governing Inspections

10/3/2010.- Inspections are not the problem. The Dept. of Health rule governing inspections is the problem. The DOH rule is not about fixing broken septic systems. As the rule is written, it could cost unsuspecting homeowners thousands of dollars to fix something that isn’t more......

Caught In the Crosshairs of the New Kings: The Bureaucrats

9/30/2010.- Florida residents are easy targets for bureaucratic taxation. Also in this report: EPA mandates will hurt Jacksonville residents and businesses, Congressional action on EPA rule implementation, and an editorial on the impact of the Dept. of Health rules on Metro Orlando residents on the financial more......

Governor Crist Ignores TRAP Committee Recommendation and Won't Delay Septic Bill

9/25/2010.- Immediately following the conclusion of the TRAP Committee's recommendation to postone implementation of SB 550, Governor Crist chose to release a statement in support of moving forward. This report includes a letter from Rep. Trudi WIlliams, the bill's co-author, that the DOH rule was wrong. read more......


9/23/2010.- The following speech was delivered to the TRAP (Technical Review and Advisory Panel) by Andrea Samson on behalf of all members of the Wekiva Study Area Homeowners Coalition, and septic system owners throughout the state. This message along with presentations by legislators, septic contractors, civic and professional group were well received, and hopefully the resolutions passed by the TRAP committee will help modify and/or postpone the implementation of the rules the Department of Health (DOH) has formulated. To be sure, the sum of this meeting input from all sources is that SB 550 will be amended in some way next session, and it was the opinion of the TRAP committee that DOH “administration” of the inspection program would be sufficient to satisfy the language of SB550, but any actual implementation of the inspection program before the next legislative session is unwise, since the changes to SB550 may override the DOH rule provisions. A full and detailed summary of the proceedings will be posted in a few days. Please check back. text of the speech......


9/15/2010.- As we anticipated, the Department of Health (DOH) is in the process of developing rules to implement SB550 provisions about septic system inspections. Also, as we anticipated, the DOH is has taken misinterpretation of the law to a whole new level. Your input is essential. DOH has refused to schedule a public hearing in Central Florida! The TRAP meeting is our only opportunity to give DOH our input. If you can’t attend the TRAP meeting, write, call, e-mail your State Senators and Representatives. read more.....


8/9/2010.- Primary voting begins today with early voting. Read position statements submitted by candidates for Orange County Mayor. We will be publishing position statements about our septic system issue as we receive them, so check often. Also, an editorial opinion regarding “incumbents” that hopefully will help you make sound and factual choices. read more.....

Factoids, Questions and Musings

6/22/2010.- Helpful hints on keeping your septic system in great shape. Editorial comments on the EPA and Senate Bill 550. read more.....

Senate Bill 550 signed by the Governor

6/21/2010.- Senate Bill 550 signed by the Governor. This issue details the provisions contained in SB550’s septic system inspection program. Also, we received notification that on 5/28/10 the Phase II Study funding was approved! read more.....

An important message from Rep. Bryan Nelson, District 38

05/26/2010 - Rep. Nelson's message provides a summary of the new septic system inspection program, additional SB550 provisions, the Phase II budget item to continue the passive alternatives study, and the potential impact of the EPA’s involvement in our state’s water quality issues.  A must read.  Thanks to all our state legislators who worked so diligently on our behalf.  read more.....

Letter from Fred Brummer submitted to the Apopka Chief on SB550

05/14/2010 - Fred Brummer, Orange County's District 2 Commissioner responds to the final version of SB550 awaiting the Governor's signature. read more.....

Details of the Newly Passed SB550

05/04/2010 - All of the details of the Florida Legislation SB550 and how it will affect home owners with septic systems is included in this report.  Also included is what you need to know about the newly mandated inspection program. read more.....

News Updates and Reminders

04/16/2010 - Representative Scott Plakon, District 37, whose district included parts of Orange and Seminole County, has published a summary of the issues surrounding the Phase II study. If you haven’t sent in your letters and e-mails to legislators, this will help you understand and communicate with them. Phase II is extremely important, and as it stands right now, it is included in the House Budget, but not the Senate budget. We appreciate your involvement and your action on this issue. Deadline for submitting comments and PROTESTS to the EPA has been extended to April 28. If you have not registered your comments on the EPA website, please try to get those in before the 4/28 deadline. Please open the link to read Orange County Commissioner Fred Brummer’s comments regarding this. The information was published in the Apopka Chief.

Orlando Sentinel published an editorial opinion entitled “Tanks for Nothing”

04/11/2010 - ” (Orlando Sentinel Sunday Edition) In our opinion, the lack of accurate information is astounding. And, one of our readers thought so too. The Sludge Report was copied on the response to that article. You can read that response here, as it would be surprising if the Orlando Sentinel would publish it. Any of our readers are welcome to send us their letters and we will be happy to publish them. Click on “Letters” to read more of what our community has to say. read more .....

THIS IS A MUST READ!!!! Senate Bill 550 must be defeated

Make sure you read this to understand what the bill says. Contact your legislators and ask them to defeat this outrageous attempt to control your basic human rights, your property rights, and your constitutional rights. read more .....


04/05/2010 - SB550 creates state-wide regional “Super Agencies” to control every aspect of our lives; build fee structures and controls over septic systems; pass rules that do not need local or state legislative review; take control of local water authorities, land planning and permitting boards; issue bonds; receive ad-valorem taxes, and on and on. The sky is the limit on the authority and scope of this new “Responsible Management Entity (RME),” as it is called in SB550. We have highlighted some of the more obnoxious provisions contained in SB550. Whether you have a septic system or not, this bill impacts YOU. Call, e-mail, visit all of your senators and representatives in Tallahassee and ask for their help in defeating SB550. Contact your local town and county representatives as well. This affects THEM! read more .....


04/03/2010 - Contact your legislators immediately to preserve funding for the "Passive Alternative Study" and defeat SB550. - read more .....

NEW EPA Information

04/03/2010 - The EPA postpones comment deadlines and schedules new public hearings - read more .....

Latest EPA Nutrient Rule Making News

03/23/2010 - This Report contains important background information on EPA news, Senator Constantine's new SB550, an introduction to the "Select Committee on Florida’s Inland Waters" and a Sludge Report Editorial - read more .....

A Markham Woods Resident and HOA Alert!

03/23/2010 - All homeowners and Homeowner Associations need to read and respond to this alert.  Your support is essential. - read more .....

Septic Inspection Bill Filed In The House

02-28-2010 - Rep. Jimmy Patronis, R-Panama City has sponsored HB 727 which, according to an article in the Panama City News Herald ,  requires inspections and pump outs at least once every five years.  While inspections are generally a good idea, this bill contains language that once again can be interpreted by the Department of Health and the Fl Department of Environmental Protection and used to introduce unacceptable and unreasonable rules and pass/fail standards.  - read more......

Update on EPA Numeric Nutrient Criteria Proposal

02-17-2010 - Resourcs, background, actions and links to learn more about the Federal EPA proposal affecting Floridians - Billions at stake - read more......

Florida Onsite Sewage Nitrogen Reduction Strategies (FOSNRS) Interim Study Released to RRAC (Research Review and Advisory Committee)

02/08/2010 - A 38-page study has been released by the Dept. of Health, Bureau of On-Site Sewage. Contained in this report are topics and statements that give real insight into the reasons certain wastewater treatment technologies may be required of homeowners with septic systems in the Wekiva Study Area, and elsewhere in the state - read more .....

Orange County Legislative Delegation Meeting Held October 19, 2009

02/07/2010 - A presentation on home owner concerns regarding septic systems was given to the legislators prior to the 2010 legislative session - read more .....

TMDL’s Matter to Septic Owners – in spite of what FDEP says

02/05/2010 - "Total Maximum Daily Loads for nutrients including nitrogen are not our concern" says the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. They DO Matter - read more .....

A Numeric Nutrient Criteria (NNC) for Florida's Waters

02/05/2010 - The EPA has proposed a new rule regarding the NNC for our waters - read more..... For a sample letter to send to Florida legislators about this EPA proposal, click here. read more......

A Letter from Markham Woods Association to Florida Legislators

02/05/2010 - Representing the Markham Woods Association, Tom Feeney prepared and sent a letter articulating the concerns of MWA homeowners with regard to Senator Constantine's proposals for legislative action regarding septic systems.  To download a copy - read more.....

You can download past Sludge Reports here:

The Sludge Report dated 05/17/2009
The Sludge Report dated 04/14/2009
The Sludge Report dated 04/04/2009
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